1 lb Green Snap Beans
1 medium onion sliced
1 sprig curry leaves
1 clove garlic chopped
1 green chilli sliced
1 tspn crushed dried red chillies
1 tspn red chilli powder
1 tspn curry powder
2 tspn dark soy sauce
1 tspn lime
Salt to taste
Cooking oil for stir-fry
Wash the green beans well and break off the end (the top and tail) as you wash them. Now cut them into small pieces diagonally.
Heat a pan and add about 1 tbsp cooking oil. When the oil is heated, add the sliced oinions and stir till light brown. Then add curry leaves,
chopped garlic, sliced green chilli, 1 tspn chilli powder and stir well. Now add the green beans, crushed red chillies, curry powder and salt to taste.
Let it simmer for a while. Add a little more oil if desired. Then add soy sauce stir well until the green beans become darker. Finally
add lime for a little tangy taste just before removing from the stove. This goes well with rice and curry.